Friday, August 26, 2011

More comicking

Page 1/4 of my spooky&kooky comic "Revenge of the Ghost Spider" which will appear in Gurukitty Studios' upcoming comics anthology Ghost Tales.
Preorder the anthology here at IndieGogo -- receive adorable perks for your donation and help Gurukitty take their comic-creating sister act to CALGARY EXPO!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


These characters were originated by Bevan Thomas as start-from-scratch "reinventions" of established names from superhero comics (Nox The Dweller in Darkness and Immortal Man, respectively) -- it's part of this character origin&design challenge/excercise/thingamajig called Name Game at Cloudscape.

And "21 Journeys" is out. Order print version here (or get it from me), or buy e-book here.