Wednesday, December 10, 2008

There's no explanation

A final assignment animation by Kendall, inspired by (=ripped off off) Chelsea.

Voice cast: Joe as Captain Aubrey (by way of JFK?), me as one-armed Blakeney.

I don't like myself and I can't blame you if you uninvite me home for christmas

My final animation assignment. We had to animate a character jogging into frame, saying a line, getting hit in the head from above, staggering, and falling. Like I said I chose to animate (and voice, just for the heck of it) Jay Sherman, and I like the character so much -- but especially in the face it doesn't look a lot like him.

I returned the assignment late and I still hadn't been able to clean it all up. Stupid me... I will get super frikking organised next year.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Lifedrawing leftovers

We had to hand in 10 life drawings to be graded at the end of this semester, and this is going to reveal something unpleasant about me: ten didn't seem like enough. Some of my favourites had to be left out of the final batch! Gesture drawings, for example, always look the most beautiful to me, but they don't show much of the stuff we've learned during this semester, etc, etc...
Therefore I will now sketchdump some drawings that I wanted to hand in, but couldn't! Conceited? So what.

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^ My capable colleagues modeling again! They're always among my fave drawings. :D

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