My main confession, however, is that iLove iCarly. *g-daaaaasp!*
[^Above is a sketch of one of my favourite scenes from the first season: Spencer spitting out a live baby chick. Adorable! In the actual scene he was wearing boxers instead of jeans, but I felt like drawing jeans this time.]
Before you grab your pitchforks, though, you should know that I am a pretty inappropriate person. Watching things like grown men spanking each other with brooms while keeping their children locked in plastic tubes and making them watch the spanking (which btw - WARNING - I am definitely going to sketch at some point), and knowing that the show that delivers me these scenes is supposedly a kids' show, makes me very happy.
NO OTHER KIDS' SHOW PROVIDES THESE THINGS. No kid-oriented show in history is this twisted and squickly (not even the creator's previous offering, the wonderful Drake and Josh, also known as "the most heartwrenchingly gay TV show ever").
So all I'm asking is that you watch an episode before you judge me! With this amount of handcuffs, spanking, toe-flossing, swallowing of live pets, "two-foot meat sticks" and four-way "javacuzzi" sessions, I have a feeling a loooot of people I know (who are every bit as inappropriate as me) will not be able to resist the show, despite their best intentions.
* * *
...Plus, you know, obviously, Spencer (Jerry Trainor) is the Soul Brother I never had. (No offense to my actual brother -- you're awse and I love you so much.)
This is the most amazing post, like, ever.
Heh, thanks very much! Insane kids TV ftw :]
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