Q: How is it "free" after the transit fare from North Van?
A: That is a legitimate question, but I usually roam the Seawall on my "weekends" anyway, so it fits right into my routine.
I'll be returning to Cap lifedrawing too, at some point. It's too bad -- lifedrawing always makes me forget my troubles, but before I can make my way there I have all this emo ridiculousness to overcome.
Can't stay away from the burlesque session though!
* * *
Here's something else I've been enjoying lately. Trying to do a minidoodle about each day of my riveting life into my 4x2.5" minicalendar. Sort of like super condensed journal comicking. Fast and fun, I recommend it.

(This has to be my best self-portrait ever.)

Reetta! I am so inspired by your daily doodles in your day book! I might try to do that too!
I hope you're doing well! your stuff looks AWESOME!
Thanks! I would love to see those. I enjoy the wackness you post.
I'm doing really well, except at getting hired, but I'm keeping at it. It's impossible to feel down about it atm because everything else is so great, heh!
Waaaahhh those daily doodles are absolutely awesome! Like a comic diary of a comics student, but... better and easier! Now I want to do that, too. And it's your fault. How dare you inspire people!
Kiitos myös ihan hirveesti siitä synttärisähköpostista, johon pätevästi en oo kerenny vastaamaan. :D Lämmitti mieltä ihan hurjasti! Harmi kyllä valmistun vasta 2012, mutta hyvä tietää että DW ylipäätään järjestää tommosia - ehkä ehdin mahdolliseen seuraavaan lastiin, haha. Pitääpä kiittää sua piirustelemalla jotain filmityön lomassa! Onko toiveita?
Eipä kestä! (Niin ja onhan Disneylläkin samantapainen systeemi.) :D Tietysti tykkäisin MISTÄ VAAN Master and Commanderiin liittyvästä, mut jos et jaksa verestää muistia sen suhteen ni Conan (tiedät kyllä kuka) tai zombit ois aika kivoja. Hm, tai Conan ja zombit... Tai zombi-Conan... Tai sit voit piirtää ihan mitä huvittaa! Arvostan!
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