Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I don't like myself and I can't blame you if you uninvite me home for christmas

My final animation assignment. We had to animate a character jogging into frame, saying a line, getting hit in the head from above, staggering, and falling. Like I said I chose to animate (and voice, just for the heck of it) Jay Sherman, and I like the character so much -- but especially in the face it doesn't look a lot like him.

I returned the assignment late and I still hadn't been able to clean it all up. Stupid me... I will get super frikking organised next year.


Peach M said...

I'd like to see it more finished someday, but I think it was an awesome one. I think it was very much like the character!

kelipipo said...

Thanks! Yeah, I'd like to fiddle with it some more if I have the time next semester.
Merry christmas! PS: I <3 Daphne!