Wednesday, October 15, 2008


By the way, I just saw City of Ember, and I'd recommend it.
Note, I haven't read the book, so I don't know how it'll hold up for people who have. It did make me want to read the book though. Sad crummy little robots bumping into things...


I haven't posted any male nudes yet. Shall fix.
Stuff from last week's class:

^I was amused by how those gestures look like they could be three different people sharing a scene.

^That lower pose was probably my favourite from the whole class, because it so reminded me of this children's song from back home, where "The captain looked over the horizon" ("Kapteeni katsoi horisonttihin").
The song neglects to mention whether the captain was looking over the horizon au naturel.

^Lower pose: new favourite!

From last week's life drawing club on Wednesday:

^I liked the symmetry in the pose, even though the muscles turned out so exaggerated in my sketch (as seems to be my tendency right now).


And fine, also some females from yesterday's class, because (again) I liked how these four sketches that just ended up on the same page could belong to the same ...tableau:


Britt Sanborn said...

nice stuff! your life drawings are really great

kelipipo said...

Thanks, Boss!