Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pan layout

B/w and one coloured version.

Coloring in Photoshop is great for the simple reason that you can start again how ever many times you want. The multitude of different coloring choices for one layout was driving me insane.

My layout was relatively detailed, so I thought I'd keep the colours very simple here.
The layout doesn't have any specific idea other than being on the waterfront. Still missing an overlay (a ship, inevitably!!) and supposedly some character poses, but I'm really not too sure...


Unknown said...

Ooh lovely, it has a serene sun rise feel to it.

Rosanna P. Brost said...

Live the peaceful, simple colours. Very calming.<3

kelipipo said...

Thanks guys :)

Eiki Iwamura (Young Hee Huh) said...

nice composition and lighting!