Thursday, April 2, 2009

Quadruped action: Jolly Jumper!

My family and other friends of the Lucky Luke comics will understand my mirth at getting to cast the coolest horse in the West, Jolly Jumper, as my character for our quadruped walk/jump assignment.
I really appreciate the way the original Lucky Luke artist "Morris" drew horses (among everything else, obv). Not only was it inspiring to work on the personable Jolly, but Morris' rounded caricaturish style fit this assignment perfectly, because it helped me so much in maintaining the character's structure. And yet it was rooted enough in anatomy to teach me a lot, give me reason to research. All in all I enjoyed this exercise like crazy.

This assignment was a while ago but I didn't have it in a condition to post it online until earlier this week. I might actually try to clean this one up. I mean, Jolly's not Jolly until he has at least his mane and tail, if not his face.


Courtney Garvin said...

reetta this looks really great!

kelipipo said...

Thank you :D Hopefully it'll improve even more!

Eiki Iwamura (Young Hee Huh) said...

Wow! This looks very realistic!
You know How the body structure of the horse well.
Great jpb, Reetta!!

Anonymous said...

sheeeeeet...I forgot to do the horse's wailing...

kelipipo said...

Ta Eikie
And Dennis, it's alright, it's been a busy time. How about we do that later -- it's still in progress anyway!